Journal of Bad Munki
27th Galena
"Reinforcements Needed"

The battlefield was a swamp of blood. Body parts were everywhere. It almost seemed as if there was still a fine mist of blood hanging in the air, making it difficult to see. I stood there, trying to comprehend what had just happened, my senses slowly coming together to make sense of it all.
Even though the initial battle was over, there was still a lot of movement on the field. I watched as some of the combatants began desperately running away from the slaughter, hoping to survive to perhaps fight another day. Such mercy was not to be had this day. The Gilded Men barely even paused before moving on to the remaining elves. They immediately began chasing down and slaughtering any elves still moving. While doing so, they even managed to flush out several more squads, and they dealt with those in a similarly efficient manner.
What elves they caught, they killed. What elves they couldn't catch, they chased out past the partially-constructed road, away from our corner of the swamp, and when they felt they had chased them far enough with weapons, they threw curses and epithets to further encourage the fleeing elves. It was Minty who was last to finally return to the fortress, after having chased down several insufficiently-motivated elves.

This day belonged to The Gilded Men, of that there was no question. With Minty as their leader, they had routed the foe without a single lost dwarven life. All hail the Gilded Men!

Chance II wrote :-
So here is at thing...

and here is a bonus thing...
Bad Munki wrote :-
Addendum: here's the battle log. I've included a few lines of sparring, and then the ambush alert, at which point I ordered everyone inside while the game was paused. Then you see a bunch of "forbidden area" alerts, and then the combat starts.
It's about 350 lines of combat. None of it is favorable for the elves. 
And yeah, no mounts in this fight, which definitely turned things around. I saw that they were all unmounted spear-wielders, at least the first ambush was, and so I suspected I knew how the fight would turn out, but I didn't want to spoilt it for anyone.
Bad Munki wrote :-
nimby posted:
What's the kill tally for Minty now? Reading through that combat log, the Militia Captain was killing a dozen elves for every 1 our dwarves killed.

